Two weeks ago we closed submissions for the 46th Fama. Thank you for all your emails. We are very happy to have received submissions so varied and of such high quality.
A bit of statistics. Altogether we have received submissions from 370 entities of different fields, giving a total of about 780 people. The majority of projects (precisely 100!) have been submitted to the music section (bands of all genres, and soloists). Furthermore, over 50 people have sent submission forms for vocal workshops. Other sections that have sparked a lot of interest are visual arts (“The open body” exhibition – 60 projects, other fields – 50 submissions), the performative section (theatre, performance, comedy, improv – almost 40 projects), the literary and journalistic sections (40 submissions altogether).
Now the time has come to listen, watch, and read. We ask you for your patience. Anyone we invite to Fama will be contacted individually – via email or phone, and the attendants’ list will be closed and published on our website no later than June 30th 2016.
© Fama – Międzynarodowy Kampus Artystyczny, The International Artistic Campus, photo: Joanna Kurdziel-Morytko